Write For Dear You!

Loved someone so deeply and s/he left you heartbroken? No closure?
How many letters have you composed for them and parked in your draft or kept in your journal?


Not caring?

Finding and loving yourself again?

It's a tough ride and the truth is...you're not alone.

Wherever you are in your journey, share it!
Psychology suggests that writing a letter is a healthy way to let out your emotions. You don't have to send it to the person concerned. Just get the feelings out!

Don't bottle it up or you'll explode or implode.

Either way, it's not pretty

Let me help you.

1. Send your anonymous (or not) letter to the blogosphere. Let Dear You be the venue of your unsent mails.


2. Show us your wounds and battle scars and let your mess be your message to those who are going through the same fight. Give us a spirit boost.

Send your Dear You posts to superluxblog@yahoo.com.


1. Posts must be 100-500 words only (you can send part 2 of your story if it's longer). Dear You, holds the right to edit your submission if it is too long or for grammar and spelling correction.

2. You may send articles in letter forms
    a. Start with Dear You or Dear (First name of the person or initials)
    b. You may or may not include your name. Let the admin know.

3. You may send photos or memes, videos, or articles related to the journey from loving someone to hating them, to not caring at all and finally finding and loving yourself. You can be anywhere in this journey and your articles or stories are all welcome. No judgment! (Please include source if it's not your own).

4. You may send your story, piece of advice, or realizations too (free form).

5. (Optional) Include a blog title and a short bio with a link to your website or profile if you have any.

I can't wait to hear your story and journey with you.

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